Why 5083 aluminum plate used for many industries

We are 5083 aluminum plate suppliers,delivering to the whole of the world,5083 aluminum plate have excellent quality to fully satisfy customers requirements.Due to its strength and temperature characteristics 5083 aluminum plate is used in:pressure vessels truck, marine, underwater vehi.

We offer 5083 aluminum plates that satisfy the requirements for many industries. 5083 aluminum plate has higher strength than 5052 aluminum plate. and it is also highly resistant to corrosion. It is especially suited for cryogenic applications as it can withstand extremely low temperatures without becoming brittle or losing its other properties. 5083 plate is easy to form, stamp, weld and finish.

Chemical Composition Limits (WT %)

 Silicon  0.4
 Iron  0.4
 Copper  0.1
 Manganese  0.40-1.0
 Magnesium  4.0-4.9
 Chromium  0.05-0.25
 Zinc  0.25
 Titanium  0.15
 Others, each  0.05
 Others, total  0.15
 Balance, Aluminum

Typical Mechanical Properties

 Temper  Tensile Strength  Yield Strength  Elongation
 KSI  KSI  %
 O (annealed)  42  21  14
 H112  43  23  10
 H116  46  33  10
 H321  46  33  10